Rise Against want you to get excited about their upcoming 9th studio album Nowhere Generation, so they gave you a taste of what’s to come with the release of their title track as a single last month. Now you can watch them play it together live as part of their ‘Nowhere sessions’.



The album is due June 4th, and Tim McIlrath shared the inspiration behind it: “?I’ve come to realize that people want honesty and that music can be a catalyst for change. I think in many ways, we’ve been on a mission to rile people up, and I feel very lucky to be able to do that. Our hope on this record is to jostle people awake, even it if makes you uncomfortable.”



He continues on saying, “Today there is the promise of the American Dream, and then there is the reality of the American Dream, America’s ?historical norm’ that the next generation will be better off than the one that came before has been diminished by an era of mass social, economic, and political instability and a sell-out of the Middle Class. The brass ring that was promised by hard work and dedication no longer exists for everyone. When the privileged climb the ladder of success and then burn it from the top, disruption becomes the only answer.” Watch the live performance of ‘Nowhere Generation’ below.